Car Loan

What Happens If I’m Late On Payments

What Happens If I’m Late On Payments

When you opt for a three or five year auto loan there inevitably will come a time when you’re in danger of making a late payment or you miss a payment. These loans are 36 or 60 months long and it can be difficult to maintain a perfect payment history. The question is though, what happens if you miss one monthly car payment? Credit Score Missing just one payment can have devastating effects. If you have been working hard to ...

What’s A Good Down Payment

What’s A Good Down Payment

Buying a car is a big first step for many. A car loan is often times the first important financial decision anyone ever has to make. It’s an important step to take, as a history of making timely car payments is essential for a healthy credit score. The ultimate goal is to get a good rate on a 30 year home loan and having a completed car loan on your record looks nice. What is crippling to your future however ...

Car Loans From Peer To Peer Lending Sites

Car Loans From Peer To Peer Lending Sites

Traditionally you would get a car loan from the bank you normally use. Now though you have many more options. In addition to going to your physical bank for a car loan, you can also get a loan right at the dealership. After they pull your credit you can be approved for a loan in minutes. Another popular option is to go online and use auto loan comparison sites to get auto loan quotes to find the best rates. But ...